George W. Bush & William Gates Team Up to Steal Gravity

Since causing the financial melt down of 2009 and other atrocities in the United States and the world at large, George W Bush has been looking for some way to redeem himself and ...

Por: ME Williamson
Categoría de Blog: Politics
Posted: 24 Febrero 2022

See my research on gravity control at the following url:

Since causing the financial melt down of 2009 and other atrocities in the United States and the world at large, George W Bush has been looking for some way to redeem himself and has been going to great effort to attack myself, Mark E. Williamson, and to steal something of mine that could bring him what he so desperately hopes to obtain.

Social Redemption

George is getting on in years, and he has a social dilemma. The issue is that a very large segment of the world’s population believes that he is a brutal dictator and has done a terrible disservice to our planet. He remains quite active in world affairs, and has caused financial and military chaos in the United States and elsewhere throughout the world.

He began his financial conquests by using the post terrorist paranoia of Americans to help introduce legislation that greatly eroded civil liberties and imposed a pointless 30 year war in the middle east. The Patriot Act, decimated basic freedoms enshrined in the US Constitution and ushered in a $6 trillion dollar war that resulted in zero contribution to the civilized world.

Mr. Bush then organized a heist of American capital unprecedented in modern times. He engineered the financial real estate crisis of 2009. This profited immensely he and his Texas cronies who then set up a defacto government to take control of the United States. The United States is now managed and maintained by this new secret government.

Then, in 2010, Mr. Bush organized a crime ring of computer hackers to steal over $1 trillion USD belonging to the Federal Reserve banking system. This money was located in the Bank of New York Mellon, and was moved to offshore bank accounts located in the Cayman Islands where it now resides.

Mr. Bush then took over the drug dealing trade of the Americas which passes through Mexico. This business alone nets him $250 billion per year and is ongoing. The impacts upon Mexico are extraordinary including over 100,000 violent murders per year.

As a former president Mr. Bush receives the standard PDB, President Daily Briefing, which keeps him abreast of details that he uses to great advantage to maintain his illicit empire, often at the expense of the lives of his enemies.

When George heard about the successful function of the HyperDrive motor in 2020, he then set about attempting to steal this invention from me and to take credit for it. He is working with Bill Gates in an attempt to accomplish the following:

* Push my invention into the minds of a business leader working in a similar enterprise in which Mr. Bush owns stock.

* Invent a substitution science to explain how the HyperDrive functions.

Bill Gates currently has close ties to George W. Bush who acts as the muscle in this organized criminal syndicate and both working to completely subvert and overthrow the government of the United States. Bill Gates is familiar with the goings on in Silicone Valley and presents himself to the younger generation of tech entrepreneurs as being affiliated with "The Government". Mr. Gates has never held a political office and should not represent to independent tech leaders that he has any authority over them whatsoever. He stands to profit handsomely if this gravity control theft goes through and has taken on the role as pseudo-science director in the scam.

There is a youtube video here where a man, who is perhaps an unwitting part of this conspiracy, published a video that is supposed to begin to lead to the atomic behavioral predictions required to do the things that my invention accomplishes, which is to cause field distortions required to generate thrust and gravity.

This imitation science is merely an extension of Einstein's relativity which is not a real science. The faulty scientific framework, being invented by the Microsoft founder, is virtually useless and will perpetuate the human dysfunctional understandings of atomic physics. I strongly endorse Flow Theory as a new functional framework to replace relativity. Confusing people as to how gravity really develops will allow George to maintain control of gravity control for military application, where he will also profit as he bought numerous shares after start of Afghanistan conflict through Carlyle Group.

Bill Gates has been stealing my inventions for years and capitalize upon them himself or give them to other workers in Silicone Valley. Under this system of theft, Mr. Gates and Mr. Bush are destroying the American dream and profiting by other people's hard work. In the case of HyperDrive, we would be giving our future away and the minds of our children in continuing bad educational practices to these two tyrants.

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