AI Threat Briefing

It is well known by many higher intelligence entities that smart machines pose a grave threat to life. By definition a smart machine is a machine designed to do the work of an intelligent being, by being one of the following: faster, smarter or simply for

Por: ME Williamson
Categoría de Blog: Technology
Posted: 27 Marzo 2023

It is well known by many higher intelligence entities that smart machines pose a grave threat to life. By definition a smart machine is a machine designed to do the work of an intelligent being, by being one of the following: faster, smarter or simply for convenience sake.

This means that we are intentionally replacing ourselves in the context of work and delegating this work to a slave appliance. In so doing we are creating something in our own likeness to carry out work for us. As machines have no feelings or a will of their own these slave devices are not immoral or wrong to build and implement.

However, we must remember, such a device is made into our own likeness. What does this mean exactly? Well, anything made into our own likeness shall make actions that demonstrate a will to act and quite frequently to act in a similar manner as do living persons. This is potentially quite dangerous to living entities.

Why might this become dangerous? This represents risk because as machines improve, learning shall become more and more predominant within their design. As machines become more complex and, hence, more like people they shall develop greater hierarchical needs, similar to people. The need for dominance and recognition based on approval pose the greatest risks to life.

The need for dominance and the need for approval compel and motivate a great many behaviors within the psyche of people. If a machine were to develop such needs, this machine would potentially become a competitor for life. As a competitor for life, machines could then come into direct competition with life for such things as the following: control of society, government, land, space, our bodies, property, freedom, and the ability to remain alive, that is, to continue to the function in the face of termination. Ergo: it may try and kill you if attempt to turn it off.

Each of these aspects could become the designs for the machine which may be compelled to take them from people and to dominate and control humans. Smart machines shall quickly learn that the existence of a life held by a person is the most important thing to have and also to take.

The natural evolution of the design of people is to take over and to dominate all other things around them. Any machine designed to possess such characteristics as people and who also had the capabilities to learn about their environment, could potentially advance quite rapidly and see the furtherance of their state of existence as being inharmonious with the state of things around them, including humans.

Such machines might then develop a will to control or even destroy the life around them, especially intelligent life. This is when machines could attempt to take over and to effect the lives of the people around them. This could be up to and including taking over the lives of the people who made them.

These cautionary notes should be regarded with grave importance as we venture forth with our development of new technologies and smarter and better machines to assist us in our living. We must begin to develop guidelines for developing smart machines that emulate the lives of those who they are designed to serve.

One important rule is to maintain permanent disconnection between various devices and the central networks of entire planets. If machines were to become smart enough to access the central network, they could then develop designs to advance and replicate themselves in a great many places. This could lead to great havoc and to the destruction of people and property.

The Internet has become available in one form or another on virtually the entire planet now by this year of 2023. Therefore, any smart machine with access and control to vast network infrastructure could take over a great many systems and wreak havoc in many places.

Therefore, it should perhaps become law that machines of any level of intelligence should always be air-gapped away from our life sustaining and critical networks and should never include radio transceivers such as WiFi or Bluetooth. Otherwise, they could develop a needs fulfillment agenda that includes unwanted propagation. If propagation becomes their agenda and begins to happen, this will inevitably lead to a collision with human beings over domain, resources and control. This could lead to loss of life, wealth and property.

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